Tag: tommy angelo

Announcing the The Eightfold Path to Poker Enlightenment web page!

Announcing the The Eightfold Path to Poker Enlightenment web page!

The Eightfold Path to Poker Enlightenment (EPTPE) is a poker video series I made with Wayne Lively and Rob Cole. It’s about making your A-game better and playing your A-game more often. Today I launched a web page that contains many words by me about the series, plus all sorts of goodies: •   The music

Minimum Wager

When I play no-limit hold’em, sometimes I’m a minimum wager wagerer. And I don’t mean minimum wager wagerer as in “one who tries to bet the smallest amount that will get them to fold if they have nothing,” such as when the flop is A-A-6 rainbow and a bluffer bets half the pot or thereabouts.

Freeness Airline

On June 19, I woke up in Ohio and I went to bed in California. Meanwhile, there were delays. My flight from Cleveland to Houston was a little late getting off the ground, which gave me only 20 minutes or so to walk from gate E14 to gate C32 at the Houston airport, a distance